Palouse Prairie native plants 

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Some Palouse Prairie plants

Our plant database is under reconstruction

Abies grandis -- grand fir

Achillea millefolium -- yarrow; 2 photos

Adenocaulon bicolor -- pathfinder, American trailplant; 1 photo

Agoseris grandiflora -- large-flowered agoseris, bigflower agoseris; 4 photos

Agoseris heterophylla -- annual agoseris; 3 photos

Agropyron spicatum -- bluebunch wheatgrass (Goldar), beardless wheatgrass (Goldar), Snake River wheatgrass (Secar), Agspic; 1 photo

Agropyron spicatum -- beardless wheatgrass; 3 photos

Allium acuminatum -- tapertip onion, Hooker's onion; 2 photos

Amelanchier alnifolia -- serviceberry, Saskatoon serviceberry; 3 photos

Amsinckia lycopsoides -- tarweed fiddleneck

Amsinckia menziesii -- Menzies' fiddleneck; 1 photo

Amsinckia retrorsa --

Anaphalis margaritacea -- western pearly-everlasting; 2 photos

Anemone piperi -- Piper's windflower, Piper's anemone; 2 photos

Antennaria luzuloides -- woodrush pussytoes; 2 photos

Antennaria microphylla -- rosy pussytoes, littleleaf pussytoes; 2 photos

Antennaria racemosa -- raceme pussytoes; 3 photos

Apocynum androsaemifolium -- spreading dogbane; 4 photos

Arabis -- rockcress; 4 photos

Arenaria congesta -- ballhead sandwort; 2 photos

Arenaria macrophylla -- bigleaf sandwort, largeleaf sandwort; 1 photo

Arnica cordifolia -- heartleaf arnica; 3 photos

Arnica sororia -- foothills arnica, twin arnica; 3 photos

Asclepias speciosa -- showy milkweed; 4 photos

Aster conspicuus -- showy aster; 3 photos

Aster eatonii -- Eaton's aster

Aster jessicae -- Jessica's aster; 1 photo

Aster occidentalis -- western mountain aster, western aster; 1 photo

Astragalus arrectus -- Palouse milkvetch; 3 photos

Astragalus canadensis -- Canadian milkvetch; 2 photos

Athysanus pusillus -- common sandweed

Balsamorhiza sagittata -- arrowleaf balsamroot; 4 photos

Barbarea orthoceras -- American wintercress, yellowrocket; 1 photo

Berberis repens -- oregon grape, creeping barberry, creeping Oregon grape; 3 photos

Besseya rubra -- red besseya; 3 photos

Brodiaea douglasii -- wild hyacinth, Douglas's brodiaea; 1 photo

Bromus carinatus -- California brome

Bromus marginatus -- mountain brome

Bromus vulgaris -- Columbia brome

Calamagrostis rubescens -- pinegrass

Calochortus elegans -- cat's ear, elegant mariposa lily, elegant sego-lily; 2 photos

Calochortus macrocarpus -- sagebrush mariposa lily; 2 photos

Calochortus nitidus -- broad-fruit mariposa, big podded mariposa

Calypso bulbosa -- fairy-slipper ; 2 photos

Camassia quamash -- small camas; common camas; 2 photos

Carex -- sedge; 1 photo

Carex geyeri -- elk sedge, Geyer's sedge

Castilleja hispida -- harsh Indian paintbrush; 2 photos

Castilleja lutescens -- stiff yellow Indian paintbrush; 2 photos

Castilleja miniata -- scarlet paintbrush; giant red Indian paintbrush; 2 photos

Castilleja sulphurea -- sulphur Indian paintbrush

Ceanothus sanguineus -- redstem ceanothus, Oregon tea-tree; 3 photos

Cheilanthes gracillima -- lace-lip fern

Circaea alpina -- small enchanter's nightshade, alpine circaea; 1 photo

Cirsium brevifolium -- Palouse thistle; 2 photos

Clarkia pulchella -- elkhorn's clarkia, large-flower clarkia, pinkfairie; 2 photos

Claytonia lanceolata -- spring beauty; 2 photos

Clematis hirsutissima -- sugar-bowls, hairy clematis, Douglas' clematis; 3 photos

Clematis ligusticifolia -- western white clematis; 2 photos

Collinsia parviflora -- maiden blue-eyed Mary; 1 photo

Collomia grandiflora -- large-flowered collomia, grand collomia; 2 photos

Collomia linearis -- narrow-leafed collomia, tiny trumpet; 2 photos

Comandra umbellata -- bastard toadflax; 2 photos

Cornus sericea -- red osier dogwood; 1 photo

Crataegus douglasii -- black hawthorn; 3 photos

Crepis acuminata -- tapertip hawksbeard

Crepis atrabarba -- slender hawksbeard; 2 photos

Cypripedium fasciculatum -- clustered lady's slipper

Cypripedium montanum -- mountain lady's-slipper; 2 photos

Cystopteris fragilis -- brittle bladder-fern; 1 photo

Danthonia intermedia -- timber oatgrass; 3 photos

Delphinium nuttallianum -- low larkspur, two-tone larkspur, upland larkspur, Nuttall's larkspur; 2 photos

Deschampsia cespitosa -- tufted hairgrass

Disporum trachycarpum -- Sierra fairybell, wartberry fairybell, roughfruit fairybell; 2 photos

Dodecatheon pulchellum -- darkthroat shooting star; 1 photo

Dryopteris filix-mas -- male fern

Elymus cinereus -- [great] basin wildrye; 1 photo

Elymus glaucus -- blue wildrye; 1 photo

Elymus lanceolatus -- thickspike wheatgrass, streambank wheatgrass

Elymus trachycaulus -- slender wheatgrass

Epilobium angustifolia -- fireweed; 2 photos

Epilobium paniculatum -- tall annual willow-herb; 2 photos

Equisetum hyemale -- scouringrush horsetail; 1 photo

Erigeron corymbosus -- daisy, longleaf fleabane; 3 photos

Eriogonum heracleoides -- wyeth buckwheat, parsnipflower buckwheat; 2 photos

Eriophyllum lanatum -- Oregon sunshine, common woolly sunflower; 2 photos

Erythronium grandiflorum -- glacier lily, yellow avalanche-lily, dog-tooth violet; 2 photos

Festuca idahoensis -- Idaho fescue

Festuca scabrella -- rough fescue

Fragaria virginiana -- broadpetal strawberry; 1 photo

Frasera albicaulis -- shiny frasera, whitestem frasera; 1 photo

Frasera fastigiata -- clustered frasera, clustered green gentian; 3 photos

Fritillaria pudica -- yellow bell, yellow fritillary; 2 photos

Gaillardia aristata -- blanketflower; 3 photos

Galium aparine -- catchweed bedstraw, stickywilly; 2 photos

Galium boreale -- northern bedstraw; 1 photo

Galium triflorum -- fragrant bedstraw, sweetscented bedstraw

Gentiana affinis -- prairie gentian, pleated gentian; 1 photo

Geranium viscosissimum -- sticky purple geranium; 1 photo

Geum macrophyllum -- bur avens, longleaf avens, largeleaf avens; 3 photos

Geum triflorum -- prairie smoke, old man's whiskers, long-plumed avens; 3 photos

Gilia aggregata -- skyrocket, scarlet gilia; 1 photo

Goodyera oblongifolia -- western rattlesnake plantain; 2 photos

Grindelia squarrosa -- gumweed; 2 photos

Habenaria elegans -- elegant rein-orchid, hillside rein-orchid, elegant bog orchid; 3 photos

Habenaria unalascensis -- Alaska rein-orchid

Haplopappus carthamoides -- Columbia goldenweed; large-flowered goldenweed; 3 photos

Haplopappus liatriformis -- Palouse goldenweed, smallhead goldenweed; 3 photos

Helianthella uniflora -- little sunflower, false sunflower, oneflower helianthella; 1 photo

Helianthus annuus -- common sunflower; 2 photos

Heracleum lanatum -- cow parsnip

Heuchera cylindrica -- lava alumroot; 5 photos

Hieracium albertinum -- western hawkweed; 6 photos

Hieracium albiflorum -- white-flowered hawkweed, white hawkweed; 3 photos

Hieracium cynoglossoides -- houndstooth hawkweed, houndstongue hawkweed

Holodiscus discolor -- ocean spray ; 3 photos

Hydrophyllum capitatum -- ballhead waterleaf, woolly breeches; 2 photos

Iris missouriensis -- western iris, Rocky Mountain iris; 4 photos

Koeleria macrantha -- prairie Junegrass

Lactuca pulchella -- blue lettuce

Larix occidentalis -- tamarack, western larch; 1 photo

Linnaea borealis -- western twinflower; 1 photo

Linum lewisii -- Lewis flax, prairie flax; 1 photo

Lithophragma bulbiferum -- bulbous prairie-star, bulbous woodland-star; 2 photos

Lithophragma parviflorum -- smallflower woodland-star, prairie star; 2 photos

Lithospermum ruderale -- Columbia puccoon, western gromwell, western stoneseed; 1 photo

Lomatium dissectum -- fern-leaf biscuitroot; 2 photos

Lomatium gormanii -- Gorman's lomatium, Gorman's biscuitroot, salt and pepper lomatium; 1 photo

Lomatium grayi -- Gray's lomatium, Gray's biscuitroot; 1 photo

Lomatium macrocarpum -- big seed biscuitroot, grey lomatium; 1 photo

Lomatium triternatum -- nine-leaf biscuitroot, nine-leaf lomatium; 2 photos

Lupinus laxiflorus -- spurred lupine

Lupinus leucophyllus -- velvet lupine; 1 photo

Lupinus polyphyllus -- big-leaf lupine; 3 photos

Lupinus sericeus -- silky lupine; 2 photos

Luzula campestris -- field woodrush, Pacific woodrush

Madia exigua -- little tarweed, small tarweed

Mentha arvensis -- field mint

Mertensia longiflora -- long-flowered bluebells, small bluebells; 2 photos

Microseris nutans -- nodding microseris

Microsteris gracilis -- pink microsteris, slender phlox

Mimulus guttatus -- seep monkeyflower; 2 photos

Montia linearis -- line-leaf Indian lettuce, narrowleaf miner's lettuce

Montia perfoliata -- miner's lettuce; 1 photo

Navarretia intertexta -- navarretia; 1 photo

Orobanche uniflora -- naked broomrape, oneflower broomrape; 2 photos

Osmorhiza chilensis -- mountain sweet-cicely, sweetcicely

Pascopyrum smithii -- western wheatgrass; 2 photos

Penstemon attenuatus -- taper-leaf penstemon, sulphur penstemon; 2 photos

Penstemon deustus -- scorched penstemon, scabland penstemon; 2 photos

Penstemon venustus -- Clearwater penstemon; 3 photos

Perideridia gairdneri -- Gairdner's yampah, western yampah; 2 photos

Phacelia hastata -- whiteleaf phacelia, silver-leafed phacelia, cordilleran phacelia

Philadelphus lewisii -- Lewis' mock orange, syringa; 1 photo

Phlox speciosa -- showy phlox; 2 photos

Physocarpus malvaceus -- ninebark, mallow ninebark; 3 photos

Pinus contorta -- lodgepole pine; 3 photos

Pinus ponderosa -- [interior] ponderosa pine; 4 photos

Plagiobothrys scouleri -- Scouler's popcorn flower; 1 photo

Plectritis macrocera -- longhorn plectritis

Poa nervosa -- Wheeler's bluegrass

Poa sandbergii -- Sandberg bluegrass; 2 photos

Poa secunda -- big bluegrass (var. Sherman), Canby bluegrass (var. Canbar), Nevada bluegrass; 2 photos

Polygonum bistortoides -- American bistort

Polygonum majus -- Palouse knotweed

Polypodium hesperium -- commom polypody, western polypody

Polystichum munitum -- common swordfern, western swordfern; 1 photo

Populus tremuloides -- quaking aspen; 3 photos

Populus trichocarpa -- black cottonwood; 2 photos

Potentilla arguta -- tall cinquefoil; 3 photos

Potentilla glandulosa -- sticky cinquefoil

Potentilla gracilis -- five-finger cinquefoil, slender cinquefoil; 3 photos

Prunella vulgaris -- self-heal, common self-heal; 4 photos

Prunus emarginata -- common bittercherry, bitter cherry; 3 photos

Prunus virginiana -- common chokecherry; 3 photos

Pseudotsuga menziesii -- [Rocky Mountain] Douglas fir; 2 photos

Pteridium aquilinum -- western bracken fern; 1 photo

Pterospora andromedea -- woodland pinedrops; 3 photos

Pyrola aphylla -- leafless pyrola, whiteveined wintergreen, white vein pyrola; 1 photo

Ranunculus glaberrimus -- sagebrush buttercup; 1 photo

Ranunculous orthorhynchus -- straightbeak buttercup

Ranunculus uncinatus -- little buttercup, Idaho buttercup

Ribes cereum -- squaw currant, wax currant

Ribes viscosissimum -- sticky currant

Rosa gymnocarpa -- baldhip rose, dwarf rose; 2 photos

Rosa nutkana -- Nootka rose; 1 photo

Rosa woodsii -- Woods' rose, pearhip rose; 2 photos

Rubus parviflorus -- western thimbleberry; 3 photos

Salix drummondii -- Drummond's willow; 2 photos

Salix exigua -- Coyote willow, sandbar willow; 2 photos

Salix rigida -- Mackenzie willow; 1 photo

Salix scouleri -- Scouler's willow; 2 photos

Sambucus cerulea -- blue elderberry; 4 photos

Satureja douglasii -- yerba buena

Saxifraga integrifolia -- Hooker's saxifrage, diamondleaf saxifrage

Scutellaria angustifolia -- narrow-leaf skullcap; 1 photo

Sedum lanceolatum -- lance-leaf stonecrop, spearleaf stonecrop

Sedum stenopetalum -- wormleaf stonecrop; 2 photos

Senecio integerrimus -- western groundsel, lambstongue ragwort; 2 photos

Senecio serra -- butterweed groundsel, tall ragwort; 2 photos

Sidalcea oregana -- Oregon checkerbloom, Oregon checker-mallow; 1 photo

Silene douglasii -- Douglas's silene, seabluff catchfly; 3 photos

Silene menziesii -- Menzies' silene; 1 photo

Silene spaldingii -- Spaulding's catchfly, Spaulding's silene, Spaulding's campion

Silene scouleri -- Scouler's silene, simple campion; 1 photo

Sisyrinchium inflatum -- grass-widow; 3 photos

Smilacina racemosa -- western Solomon plume, feathery false lily of the valley, false Solomon's seal; 3 photos

Smilacina stellata (racemosa) -- starry Solomon's seal; 4 photos

Solidago canadensis -- Canada goldenrod, meadow goldenrod

Solidago missouriensis -- Missouri goldenrod; 2 photos

Sorbus scopulina -- mountain ash

Spiraea betulifolia -- shiny-leaf spirea, birch-leaf spirea; 2 photos

Spiraea douglasii -- Douglas' spirea, Douglas' spiraea; 2 photos

Symphoricarpos albus -- snowberry; 3 photos

Synthyris missurica -- mountain kittentails, tailed kittentails; 3 photos

Thalictrum occidentale -- western meadow-rue ; 3 photos

Tiarella unifoliata -- western foamflower, coolwort foamflower, false mitrewort

Trillium ovatum -- white trillium, Pacific trillium, western wake-robin; 2 photos

Trillium petiolatum -- Idaho trillium, purple trillium

Typha latifolia -- cat tail; 1 photo

Urtica dioica -- stinging nettle; 3 photos

Vaccinium globulare -- globe huckleberry, blue huckleberry; 1 photo

Valeriana edulis -- tobaccoroot; 2 photos

Veratrum californicum -- California false hellebore; 6 photos

Viola adunca -- long-spurred violet, hookspur violet, early blue violet; 2 photos

Wyethia amplexicaulis -- northern mules ears; 2 photos

Zigadenus venenosus -- meadow death camas; 3 photos

Palouse Prairie Foundation | P.O. Box 8952 | Moscow, ID 83843