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Note: This bibliography references manuscripts published primarily between 1990 and 2006. It was generated by a title/key word/abstract search, using the key words 'prairie' and 'Coleoptera,' 'Hymenoptera,' 'Diptera,' 'Lepidoptera,' 'Homoptera,' 'Hemiptera,' 'Neuroptera,' 'Dermaptera,' 'Plecoptera' and 'Tricoptera'. Additional select manuscripts such as Ph.D. dissertations and those published in proceedings also are included.
Adamski, D., and E. H. Metzler. 2000. A new species of Glyphidocera Walsingham from southwestern Ohio (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Glyphidoceridae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 102:301-307.
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Anderson, D. J., and B. Vondracek. 1999. Insects as indicators of land use in three ecoregions in the prairie pothole region. Wetlands 19:648-664.
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Baum, K. A., W. L. Rubink, M. A. Pinto, and R. N. Coulson. 2005. Spatial and temporal distribution and nest site characteristics of feral honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies in a coastal prairie landscape. Environmental Entomology 34:610-618.
Beilfuss, K. G., and J. A. Harrington. 2001. Distribution patterns of the regal Fritillary butterfly (Speyeria idalia Drury) within a Wisconsin dry prairie remnant, pp. 191-196. In N. P. Bernstein and L. J. Ostrander [eds.], Proceedings of the 17th North American Prairie Conference. Seeds for the Future; Roots of the Past. North Iowa Area Community College, Mason City.
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