Palouse Prairie Flyer
Newsletter of the Palouse Prairie Foundation
- The Fascinating History of Whelan Cemetery
- Palouse Prairie Round-Table Talk
- Biological Control Agents
- Palouse Prairie Mini-Grant Overview
- Plant Pollinator Interactions
- Weeding at Whelan
- Crock Update
- Palouse Plant Kits Sold
- Palouse Prairie Pollinator Plant Kits Ð reserve your kit now!
- Palouse Prairie Pioneers: Meet Dave Skinner
- Featured Weed: Rush Skeletonweed
- New UI Student Group: Society for Ecological Restoration
- Change of the Guard
- Native Seed Production on the Palouse: From Thorn Creek to Rose Creek
- Meet the 2023 Board of Directors
- Are You Eligible for a Mini-Grant?
- Reconstructing Palouse Prairie: One family’s attempt
- Fall Weed Control: Russian Thistle and Canadian Marestail
- Alternative Giving Market of the Palouse
- What’s Happening at the John Crock Pollinator Garden
- Controlling Houndstongue (Cynoglossum officinale)
- Weedy Annual Grasses in the Palouse Prairie
- Dogwood Creek Palouse Native Plant Farm
- Controlling Reed Canary Grass—Restoring Dogwood Creek
- April Is Native Plant Month
- Meet the 2022 Board of Directors
- Are You Eligible for a Mini-Grant?
- Bryonia alba on the Palouse
- Fourth Annual Whelan Cemetery Weeding Party
- Summer at the John Crock Pollinator Garden
- Planting Native Plants for Pollinators: A Win-Win-Win
- Soil Sampling of Palouse Prairie
- Look Out for Poison Hemlock
- Whelan Cemetery 8,000 Pounds Lighter
- Update on Steptoe Butte Preserve Purchase
- 2020 Research
- 2021 Board Election Results
- AGMP Donations to PPF
- Mini-Grant Highlight: Appaloosa Museum and Heritage Center
- Join Palouse Prairie Foundation
- Saying Goodbye to a Restoration Pioneer
- Lilacs Flagged for Removal at Whelan Cemetery
- Summer’s End at the John Crock Pollinator Garden
- Support PPF at Alternative Giving Market of the Palouse
- Notice of Annual Meeting
- Are You Eligible for a Mini-Grant?
- 2021 Membership Letter
- New Plants Added to Whelan Cemetery Plant Lists
- What’s Happening at Whelan Cemetery
- Update on the John Crock Native Pollinator Garden
- Appaloosa Museum and Heritage Center Mini-Grant Awarded
- How to Apply for a PPF Mini-Grant
- Pam Brunsfeld, The Wonderful World of Penstemons, the Beardstongues
- Potential Palouse Prairie Maps
- Steptoe Butte Prairie Reserve Funded
- Cell Towers in the Prairie
- Whelan Community Day
- PPF Mini-grant
- Whelan fencing, weeding
- Solitary Bee Box Workshop
- Presentations:
- David Benscoter, Steptoe Butte Preserve Heritage Apples
- Gretchen Freed, Growing Camas: Its Growth Cycle, the Fungi That Associate with its Root System, and the Proper Techniques for its Restoration
- Tanya Cheeke, Mycorrhyzal Fungus Transplants Can Help Restore Prairies
- 2018 Annual Meeting
- Election results
- Alternative Giving Market of the Palouse
- Matthew Dolkas book Finding the Palouse Prairie: Images of a Vanishing Grassland
- PPF Mini-grant
- Bald Butte Cell Tower proposal
- 2017 Annual Meeting
- Election results
- Alternative Giving Market of the Palouse
- PPF Mini-grants
- Upcoming Event
- Membership Form
- John Crock Native Palouse Prairie Pollinator Garden
- Steptoe Butte Reserve Field Trip
- Upcoming Events & Notices
- Membership Form
- Dedication of David Skinner Ecological Preserve (Palouse Land Trust)
- Palouse Prairie Remnant Surveys in Whitman County
- Grass Identification Workshop
- Weeding at Whelan Cemetery
- Steptoe Butte Update
- Palouse Prairie Remnant Surveys in Whitman County
- Minigrant Spotlight: Moscow High School native planting
- How Will “VSP” Protect Palouse Prairie Remnants?
- Upcoming Events & Notices
- Steptoe Butte Palouse Prairie Preserve
- New Palouse Prairie Ecological Preserve on Paradise Ridge
- John Crock Native Palouse Prairie Pollinator Garden
- Sy Montgomery and the Giant Palouse Earthworm
- Upcoming Events & Notices
- Miscellanea and Membership Form
- Field Identification of the Giant Palouse Earthworm
- Evidence for Bombus occidentalis (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Populations in the Olympic Peninsula, the Palouse Prairie, and Forests of Northern Idaho.
- Bumble bee fauna of Palouse Prairie: Survey of native bee pollinators in a fragmented ecosystem
- Minigrants awarded
- Upcoming events
- Survey of macromoths (Insecta: Lepidoptera) of a Palouse prairie remnant site in eastern Washington State
- Whitman County Palouse Prairie Remnant Surveying: Summer 2015
- 2015 Annual Meeting and Party
- Board of Directors Election
- Alternative Giving Market of the Palouse results
- Upcoming Program: James Riser, Palouse Conservation District, Results of thie Season's Survey of Palouse Prairie Remnants in Whitman County
- Annual Meeting and Social
- Board of Directors Election
- U.S. 95 Realignment Update
- Alternative Giving Market of the Palouse
- John Edward Crock
- PPF receives Moscow Earth Day Award
- Upcoming Program: Lori Carris, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Plant Pathology, WSU, Uncovering the Secrets of Morel Mushrooms
- Native seed and plant sources
- PPF T-shirts
- Meeting Schedule
- Miscellanea and Membership Form
- Featured Plant: Erythronium grandiflorum
- U.S.Highway 95 Thorn Creek Update
- Minigrants Awarded
- Recent Publications
- Upcoming Programs
- Annual Meeting and Party
- Meeting Schedule
- Miscellanea and Membership
- Featured Plant: Asclepias speciosa
- Pollinators and Pollinator Watch
- US 95 update
- PPF Note cards available
- Links to the PPF website
- Miscellanea
- Featured Plant: little sunflower, Helianthella uniflora
- Native Pollinator Plants for the Palouse, Pamela Pavek, Conservation Agronomist, USDA-NRCS Plant Materials Center
- New Publications
- Pavek, P.L.S., and D.M. Skinner. 2012. Plant Guide for Taper-leaved Penstemon (Penstemon attenuatus).
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Pullman Plant Materials Center. Pullman, WA.
- Looney, Chris, and Sanford Eigenbrode. 2012.
Characteristics and Distribution of Palouse Prairie Remnants: Implications for Conservation Planning.
Natural Areas Journal 32:75-85.
- Miscellanea
- Featured Plant: serviceberry, Amelanchier alnifolia
- Election
- New Publication: Finding the Palouse Prairie: Images of a Vanishing Grassland
- Summary of Insect Bibliography posted
- Upcoming Events
- PPF Membership
- Mini-grants awarded
- Miscellanea
- Featured Plant: Douglas? or black hawthorn, Crataegus douglasii
- Obituary: George B. Hatley
- Giant Palouse Earthworm
- Palouse Plant Database
- Palouse Restoration Roundtable
- Overwintering plants
- New Publication: Evaluating Restoration Methods Across a Range of Plant Communities Dominated by Invasive Annual Grasses to Native Perennial Grasses
- Symposium on Dryland Organic Farming
- Featured Plant: Chokecherry, Prunus virginiana
- Palouse Plant Database
- Pulled from the vials: Bumble bees of Palouse Prairie
- Palouse Wind Farm
- Featured Plant: Pyrrocoma liatriformis, Palouse goldenweed
- Palouse Wind Farm
- PPF Membership drive
- Featured Plant: Aster jessicae, Jessica's aster
- Insects on the Palouse, #2
- Native Seed and Plant Sources
- Featured Plant: Balsamorhiza sagittata, arrowleaf balsamroot
- Insects on the Palouse, #1
- Field Trips
- Featured Plant: Symphoricarpos albus, common snowberry
- Update on recent projects
- Recent publications regarding Palouse Prairie
- Featured Plant: Wyethia amplexicaulis, mule's ear
- Bringing the Palouse grassland to your yard
- Restoration funding opportunities
- Recent publications regarding Palouse prairie
- Palouse Prairie Foundation display
- Featured Plant: Ranunculus glaberrimus, sagebrush buttercup
- Ground-dwelling beetles on the Palouse
- Restoration funding opportunities
- Other recent publications regarding Palouse prairie
- Palouse Prairie Foundation display
- PPF meetings
- Volunteers needed
- 2007 dues
- Featured Plant: Yarrow, Achillea millefolium
- Overwintering plants
- Restoration funding opportunities
- Salvaged seed still available
- Palouse Prairie Foundation display
- Featured Plant: Poa secunda
- Native planting strip at Neill Public Library
- Status of seed increase activities at Palouse Prairie Natives
- Forb spreadsheet available
- Salvaged seed still available
- Palouse Prairie Foundation display
- Native plants at the UI Arboretum
- Restoration methods being studied
- Palouse prairie grasses
- Forb spreadsheet available
- Palouse Prairie Foundation display
- Salvaged seed available
- Giant Palouse Earthworm (Drilolierus americanus) found on Smoot Hill
- Maynard Fosberg to talk about patterned ground
- Do you know which of our many native forbs is the first to bloom each year?
- Heracleum lanatum (cow parsnip) and Lomatium dissectum (fern-leaf lomatium) seed salvaged from along SR 270
- Native plants to be used at Neill Public Library
- Two new publications
- PPF webserver crashes; new host found